Wind industry training 

All the training programs have been developed strictly according to the GWO and UDT standards, which, combined with the professionalism of the instructors and world-class infrastructure, ensures 100% satisfaction of our clients.

GWO training 

Global Wind Organization (GWO) is an organization associating manufacturers and operators of wind turbines. Its goal is to develop a safe working environment in the wind energy industry. For this purpose, standards for basic onshore and offshore training  (BST, BTT) have been developed and systematized. They are to provide employees acting in the area of wind farms with sufficient knowledge to ensure themselves and their surroundings safety while working in turbines.

Scope of training: BST training is dedicated to people working in wind turbines. Comprehensively prepares for work, both in theoretical and practical terms, in compliance with the applicable safety standards. The course is accredited by the Global Wind Organization and consists of 5 modules. The program allows you to gain knowledge in the field of techniques for safe lifting and carrying loads, activities in the offshore environment, first aid, working at heights as well as fire extinguishing and prevention.

Manual Handling module
Sea Survival module
First Aid module
Working at Heights module
Fire Awareness module

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 2 years.

See the detailed description of each module: Download a leaflet Check availability

All the GWO training modules onshore and offshore are available as Refresher training:

Manual Handling Module
Sea Survival Module
First Aid Module
Working at Heights Module
Fire Awareness Module

Each training needs to be refreshed every 24 months.

Please note that the certificate can only be refreshed during its validity period. Each employee may refresh the certificate as early as 2 months before its expiry date, extending its validity from the end date of the current entitlements. Thanks to this, we do not lose the validity time, and we gain time to refresh the documents before starting the next project.

GWO Refresher training courses are:
- shorter,
- cheaper,
- remind necessary safety issues,
-update the knowledge in the field of current law, new techniques and equipment available in particular modules.

See the details of each training module: DOWNLOAD LEAFLET CHECK AVAILABILITY

During BTT training, trainees acquire qualifications in the field of technical aspects of wind turbine operation and work at height. They can use the acquired skills in a safe manner and in accordance with the procedures. Windhunter academy instructors provide basic knowledge on turbine operation in four modules:

installation module
hydraulic module
mechanical module
electrical module
bolt tightening

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate with no expiry date. 

See the detailed description of each training: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

EFA training is dedicated to people who have a current GWO First Aid certificate and want to expand their knowledge in the field of effective and safe first aid using more advanced techniques.

The course provides comprehensive theoretical knowledge, including legal regulations and anatomy. The training program is based on ready-made scenarios - it includes a number of practical exercises, for example, clearing the airways, stopping bleeding or administering medications. The aim of the  EFA course is to acquire the qualifications necessary to safely save lives and respond fast to health-threatening situations in a wind environment.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives 2 certificates - GWO First Aid Refresher and GWO Enhanced First Aid - both valid for 2 years. 

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

ART training includes learning advanced rescue techniques from a hub, spinner and blade, from a confined and crawl space or from a basement, tower and nacelle. Trainees will learn how to safely evacuate a wind turbine. The training provides the acquisition of skills that are necessary to conduct an efficient rescue operation and evacuation both, as a single rescuer and in the team. 

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives 4 certificates  - ART Hub (valid for 24 months), ART-Nacelle (valid for 24 months), ART - Single Rescuer Hub (no expiry date) and ART-Single Rescuer Nacelle (no expiry date).

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

The training aims to understand the essence of the work as well as risks and hazards related to the tasks placed upon slinger and signaller. The trainees will acquire skills in the field of load suspension and rigging techniques in compliance with the highest safety standards. They will receive extensive knowledge on many aspects, for example, the types of equipment, lifting angles, determining the center of gravity or the necessary personal protective equipment.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate with no expiry date.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

The training aims to provide knowledge in the field of operating suspended platforms in wind turbines. After completing the training, participants will be aware of the dangers and risks related to operating the platform. During the training, various models and manufacturers are discussed, so that the participant knows how to use the instructions and what differences in construction and protections are found in different manufacturers’ solutions.

The training takes 5 hours and is valid indefinitely.
The training can be performed during the UDT training, suspended platform.

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Windhunter academy offers hybrid training. The theoretical part of GWO BST trainings is conducted online, while the practical part is carried out in a training center in Koszalin or Wałbrzych.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, GWO also made it possible to join GWO BST refresher - PARTIAL training courses - this training is for people who are not able to participate in the GWO refersher training stationary, but need to refresh their certificates.

All GWO BST on shore & offshore modules can be refreshed 100% online in just 20 hours. You get a certificate in a shorter time, and thus the possibility of further work on the project.

The only difference between the online form and the stationary one is the validity of the certificate, which is issued for a period of 6 months, not 24 months.

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Windhunter academy as one of the few training providers in Poland offers GWO Basic Safety Training on-shore in the on-site form. If you want to practice all techniques in “real environment" such as a wind turbine, please contact us.

We have many years of experience in organizing wind turbine training - we have trained over 200 inspectors and dozens of wind turbine technicians. With no doubt, this form of training will reflect all the potential challenges that a wind turbine technician may face.

We are able to train you nearby Koszalin and Wałbrzych.

If you are a turbine owner or you are able to rent it, we will come to the indicated location and train you in GWO modules of your choice.

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Electrical training

Performing electrical works requires extensive knowledge and appropriate practical skills. These can be gained during the electrical training we organize to prepare you for the exam.

Electrical licence for operation and supervision

During the training, the trainees will get D1 and E1 licenses for operation, which allows you to perform, i.e. operation, maintenance, repairs, assembly and supervision of installations, networks and electrical power devices. Training participants should have knowledge and experience in working as an electrician.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 5 years.

See the training details:Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

UDT training

The purpose of the training required by the Office of Technical Inspection is to provide knowledge in the field of safety of technical devices at the stage of design, manufacture and operation.

The training aims to comprehensively prepare future operators to operate suspended mobile platforms (service lifts). In addition to practical exercises, trainees will acquire theoretical knowledge - they will learn, among others, about legal regulations, the parameters of platforms or health and safety rules. Moreover, they will be trained in accident procedures.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 10 years.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

During the course, we prepare trainees for the safe use of aerial work platforms - we teach proper operation and maintenance. The course program covers, among others, issues such as legal regulations, types of platforms and their construction, operator's work or emergency procedures.
Operators of this type of platforms are obliged to have an operational licence, which may be obtained by passing a two-part exam - theory and practice.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 5 years.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

We have prepared the training in accordance with the program of the Office of Technical Inspection. Thanks to the course, participants will improve their qualifications and increase their chances of development in their current  work position. They will gain theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of legal regulations, the parameters of equipment and their construction, as well as learn health and safety procedures. After the training, trainees take an exam consisting of two parts.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 10 years.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

Training participants will learn to work safely and effectively with a lifting truck, as well as acquire extensive theoretical knowledge in the field of types of trucks, their construction, features and HSE. Thanks to practical exercises in correct operation, trainees will properly and professionally prepare for the examination of the Office of Technical Inspection - both theoretical and practical.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 5 years.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY


Additional training is dedicated to employees of many industries. Diversified subject matter of the courses is a response to your needs and market requirements. We offer theoretical and practical classes that allow you to improve your current qualifications or acquire new ones.

During the training, participants will gain knowledge about the methods of implementing and applying LOTO (Lock Out Tag Out) procedures. They will learn how to carry out maintenance and repair activities in a safe manner. Participants will also learn how to correctly select and implement LOTO devices.

We recommend refreshing every 24 months.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

Elektrotechnisch unterwiesene Person (EIP - Electrically Instructed Person) is a compulsory training for people working with high voltage electrical equipment in Germany.
The course addresses the safety rules in accordance with German standards, developed by the German Association of Electrical Engineers EuP training lasts 8 hours, and EuP refresher training 4 hours.
We conduct the course in Polish, English or German.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 1 year.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

During the training, participants will acquire knowledge about work and emergency procedures in confined space. They will learn to identify hazards and assess risks, practise the operation of measuring devices, and get familiar with specialized protective, fall arrest and rescue equipment. Thanks to practical exercises in the simulator, trainees will have the opportunity to improve their qualifications in the field of work organization in confined space and providing first aid.

We recommend refreshing every 24 months.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

The training focuses on learning how to operate SHE rescue device, which is used when working at heights on ENERCON wind turbines. During the course, we put emphasis on practice so that participants can learn all the applications of the device and be able to use the acquired rescue skills in emergency situations.
To join the course, participants must have a valid medical certificate to work over 3 meters of height and a valid GWO working at heights certificate

We recommend refreshing every 24 months.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

The aim of the training is to comprehensively prepare the employee for safe work at height in a situation where it is not possible to attach to fixed elements of the structure. Its scope has been developed according to DGUV guidelines and completion of the course is required for the German market.
Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 1 year.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

A training in the field of fall arrest personal protective equipment and the use of rescue equipment. It is dedicated to all industries where work at height applies.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

The training allows you to acquire skills in the field of operating a two-way online platform for workflow of EHS documents necessary to work in General Electric turbines. 

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

We help you obtain the Offshore Medical Certificate, i.e. a marine health certificate. We inform interested parties about the requirements for the tests and provide them with a health questionnaire before a medical visit.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

Training participants will learn about the issues related to the use and operation of Power Climber working platforms. The program includes an overview of the design and functionality of the platform, its inspection, and an indication of dangerous situations and risks associated with the performance of this type of work. We will analyze the scope of the exam in detail and check the theoretical knowledge during practical exercises.

Upon successful completion of the training, a trainee receives a certificate valid for 2 years.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

During the 8-hour training, you will learn to use the equipment used in various models of wind turbines. We conduct practical exercises with the use of alkitronic equipment. The training includes the following elements:
• Bolt strength class
• Hard and soft joints
• Settlement
• Types of connection
• Locking connections
• Methods of tightening
• Connections for electrical devices

The second training module discusses torque wrenches and torque multipliers, whereas the third one focuses on hydraulic wrenches.

We recommend refreshing every 24 months.

See the training details: Download a leaflet CHECK AVAILABILITY

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